STIDIO YOUR NUMBER is founded by Dilya Baynazarova and Lena Kostryukova in 2014. We’re creating handmade shoes, leather accessories, clothes and hats. In our creativity we apply artworks and techniques. To apply a technique and fine art in our creativity we approximate craft and art. We feel and listen the material and it directs us how to formed. Exactly this principle of the work has given the name to our first hats’ collection — Abiogenesis.
In the procces of making things we look back into the past to give a new identity to interwined craft traditions with our philosophy of life.
We like when things obtain personality and can be used for half of our life. So, through our work we try to create timeless things.
We do all process, from the sketch to a finished product, independently. It’s absolutly author’s project. On the whole we take photoes by yourself to reach an author’s expression of idea. As a result departing from utilitarian meaning becomes the art object.
We have taken part in the several exhibitions: The handsome man (The State Historical Museum), New craft (All- Russian Decorative Art Museum of Fashion and Design Centre), Unity forms Instalation (Zelenyy Tsekh 1121; Gallery in association with Elena Agafonova), Library 2018 of Russian Architecture, Design and Crafts (Gallery Magazzino; in the context of the biennial design festival DESiGN.VE, Venice), Materiality. Reflections (Center of Fashion and Design of All-Russia Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art).
STIDIO YOUR NUMBERは2014年にDilya BaynazarovaとLena Kostryukovaによって設立されました。私たちは手作りの靴、革製品、服や帽子を作っています。私たちの創造性の中で芸術と芸術を応用します。私たちはその素材を感じて聞いて、それがどのようにして形成されるのかを教えてくれます。まさにこの作品の原則が、私たちの最初の帽子コレクションであるAbiogenesisに名前を与えています。
私たちはいくつかの展覧会に参加しました:ハンサムな人(州立歴史博物館)、新しい工芸品(全ロシア装飾美術博物館ファッションアンドデザインセンター)、統一はインスタレーションを形成します(Zelenyy Tsekh 1121; Elena Agafonovaに関連するギャラリー) 、ロシア建築、デザインと工芸品のライブラリー2018年(ギャラリーMagazzino、2年ごとのデザインフェスティバルDESiGN.VE、ヴェネツィアのコンテキストで)、Materiality.Reflections(全ロシア装飾美術館、装飾美術館、民芸美術館のデザインとデザインの中心地) )